
Write the following decimal as a percent. 0.084

How to Write the Decimal 0.084 as a Percent

Converting a decimal to a percentage is a simple mathematical process. Here’s how you can write 0.084 as a percent:

  1. Understand the Relationship Between Decimals and Percents
    Percentages represent a value out of 100. To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply the decimal by 100.
  2. Multiply the Decimal by 100
    To convert 0.084 to a percent:0.084×100=8.40.084 \times 100 = 8.4
  3. Add the Percent Symbol
    After multiplying, simply add the percent symbol (%) to the result. This gives:

Final Answer

The decimal 0.084 is equivalent to 8.4% when written as a percentage.

Detailed Explanation: Writing the Decimal 0.084 as a Percent

Converting a decimal to a percent is an essential mathematical skill that involves understanding the relationship between decimals and percentages. Here, we’ll go step by step to transform the decimal 0.084 into its percentage form.

What is a Percent?

The term “percent” means “per hundred.” It is a way to express a fraction or a decimal as a portion out of 100. For example:

  • 50% means 50 out of 100, or 0.5 as a decimal.
  • 25% means 25 out of 100, or 0.25 as a decimal.

This relationship allows us to convert between decimals and percents easily.

Step-by-Step Conversion of 0.084 to a Percent

  1. Start with the Decimal
    The given number is 0.084.
  2. Multiply by 100
    To convert any decimal to a percent, multiply the decimal by 100. This shifts the decimal point two places to the right.0.084×100=8.40.084 \times 100 = 8.4
  3. Add the Percent Symbol
    After multiplying by 100, append the “%” symbol to indicate the percentage.8.4%8.4\%

Why Does This Work?

When you multiply a decimal by 100, you are scaling the number to represent its value out of 100, which is precisely what a percentage represents.

For example:

  • 0.01 as a decimal means 1 part out of 100, or 1%.
  • Similarly, 0.084 means 8.4 parts out of 100, or 8.4%.

Practical Applications

Converting decimals to percentages is useful in many real-life scenarios, such as:

  • Calculating discounts (e.g., a product with a 0.084 price reduction is reduced by 8.4%).
  • Expressing probabilities (e.g., a 0.084 probability translates to an 8.4% chance).
  • Understanding statistics or data analysis where values are often presented in percentage form.

Final Answer

The decimal 0.084 is equivalent to 8.4% when written as a percentage.

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